
Travel251 Your Travel Partner

Travel251 is a leading travel agency dedicated to providing exceptional travel experiences in Ethiopia. With our extensive knowledge of the country and a team of experienced professionals, we aim to showcase the rich cultural heritage, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant traditions of Ethiopia to travelers from around the world.


Our Service: is our witness.

1. Customize your itinerary for history or adventure. 2. Tour diverse Ethiopia: Lalibela, Simien Mountains, Omo Valley. 3. Accommodations for any budget: hotels, lodges, guesthouses. 4. Safe transportation services throughout Ethiopia. 5. Experience Ethiopia's culture: markets, cooking classes, local artisans. 6. Local experts guide your immersive travel experience.


Why Travel251 ?

"We have years of travel experience and in-depth knowledge of Ethiopia. Our extensive network of local partners allows us to offer high-quality services. We prioritize personalized attention and are dedicated to tailoring your trip to your preferences. We support responsible tourism practices that have a positive impact on the environment and local communities. Customer satisfaction is our top priority and we provide 24/7 support for any inquiries or emergencies."


Perfect for You

Choose Your Package

Embark on the Journey of a Lifetime: Select Your Ideal Tour Package and Create Unforgettable Memories Along the Way!

9800 10000

Hambaricho Mountain

3 Days 2 Nights
8100 8700
9100 10000
$49.00 $59.00

Viñales Valley

3 Days 4 Nights
$49.00 $59.00

National Capitol of Cuba

3 Days 4 Nights
$49.00 $59.00

Awash National Park

3 Days2 Nights

Get Ready To

Top Destination

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin making it over literature from 45 BC, makingit over 2000 years old making it over


1 Place


1 Place


1 Place


1 Place


1 Place


5 Place


2 Place

Get Ready.

Choose Offer Package

Are you ready for an extraordinary adventure? Our Enchanting Destinations Expedition offer package is designed to immerse you in the wonders of the world. With this limited-time package, you'll have the opportunity to explore breathtaking destinations and create lifelong memories.

3 Days 2 Nights

3 Days 2 Nights

4 Days 3 Nights

3 Days 4 Nights

3 Days 4 Nights

3 Days 4 Nights

3 Days 4 Nights

3 Days 4 Nights

Grand Place

$59.00 $49.00

3 Days 4 Nights

3 Days 4 Nights

3 Days 4 Nights

3 Days 4 Nights

3 Days 4 Nights

3 Days 4 Nights

3 Days 4 Nights

3 Days 4 Nights

Louvre Museum

$59.00 $49.00

3 Days 4 Nights

3 Days 4 Nights

Go & Discover

Explore The world

Explore the World: Uncover the Wonders of Every Continent and Create Extraordinary Memories Along the Way!


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What Our Travelar Say

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Professional, responsive, and able to keep up with ever-changing demand and tight deadlines: That's how I would describe Jeramy and his team at The Lorem Ipsum Company. When it comes to content

Cressy Gui



“Booking through you was very easy and made our lives so much easier. I have nothing bad to say! Thank you for giving us tips and guidance before we left on what to bring and such, that was very helpful! "

Gima Max
